Central Scotland based aviation photographer & videographer.

I have been attending airports & bases for over ten years with my camera, having started out with a small bridge to now a fully fledged DSLR set up. During lockdown while in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic,i decided I would try my hand at recording aircraft in addition to solely photographing them. I quickly learned how to function my camcorder and then progressed into a more advanced set up, as seen in the picture on this page To this day, my channel is still Scotlands most successful dedicated aviation YouTube content creator with over 23,000 subscribers worldwide and on TikTok, over 15,000. While I am currently focusing on photography this year, it is my intention to work on my video content creation sites and progress my skills all while providing a solid aviation production for my loyal subscribers.

Within my photography gallery, you will see hundreds of images which illustrate my progression over the years and how I have edited these pictures at the time. I feel it is important to demonstrate how I have learned and progressed my skill set to take more consistent photos and really hammer home the importance of subtle editing so that the person viewing my picture really sees exactly how it looked at the time, as opposed to an overly edited image. The gallery is actually what I like to call, the “Aviation Treats folder”. These images are a collection of my favourite photos taken over the span of my photography journey. Many different locations, of many different aircraft. Enjoy!